Monday, December 5, 2011

Aanandha Yoga Ch-3b

The art of ‘Yoga’ was given to us by ‘Maharishi Pathanjali’. The normal tendency of anyone is, Oh, Yoga! I know about it. Afterall many millions of people from USA to Japan are practicing yoga. What is there new to know from Yoga?

But it is a pity that many do not know the actual realities of Yoga. Today what ever is taught all over the world in the name of Yoga, is only 1/8th of what Pathanjali Maharishi has given in the ‘Ashtaanga Yoga’. If by learning Just 1/8th of the real Yoga itself is so beneficial, then one can just imagine the real benefits of learning the entire Ashtaanga yoga.

In Sanskrit ‘Ashtaanga’ means eight divisions. They are-
1. Yama
2. Niyama
3. Praanayaama
4. Aasana
5. Prathyaahara
6. Dhaarana
7. Dhyaana &
8. Samadhi.

Generally what is being taught in India and all over the world in the name of ‘Yoga’ and ‘Meditation’ is only ‘Aasana’ and ‘Meditation’. We can see that ‘Aasana’ is the fourth part and ‘Meditation’ is the seventh part of the Ashtaanga Yoga.

All the eight parts in the Astaanga yoga is inter-related to each other and inseparable. Just by doing one or two parts of it will not yield the full results and will not take one to the final destination, where it is intended to take.

So one has to first start from the Yama-Niyama and step by step, learn and practice these. When one wants to learn this technique, he has to first know the complete details about it. One should not get the details from hearsay but through authentic means. One should also see if it is logically right and Scientifically correct, before accepting it. Once we grasp the essence of this and start practicing it as a life style then he can see the changes taking place in his life.

We have already seen that, When one has to face the miseries and happiness in one’s life, his mind and body should be hale and healthy. This Ashtaanga yoga is capable of giving one, such exercise for the mind and body to keep it fit and healthy.

In this 21st Century, the way we are living is against nature. That is the reason why we are facing illness of the mind and body. By giving proper exercise to the mind and body, it is possible to avoid illness and sickness to the mind and body. And this will help us to march in the path towards Aanandha. ‘Ashtaanga yoga’ is such an exercise which is capable of training one’s mind and body. When one wants to know what is ‘Astaanga Yoga’, one has to know the answer to the question ‘who am I’.

End of Chapter -3

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