Today’s date is 9-11-11. This is the Christian era calender date. This denotes that it is 2011 years since the death of Jesus. But according to vedic calender, the year is 5015 in kali Yuga. Bhagwan Sri Krishna lived in Dwapara yuga. Srimad Bhagavatam says that Sri Krishna dissapeared at the end of Dwapara Yuga. Kali yuga started from the day of the dissapearance of Lord Krishna
Maharishi Veda Vyasa, son of Maharishi Parasara, lived in the last stage of Dwapara yuga. During the Kritha yuga and Thretha yuga, Vedas had not been segregated and hence was in a single group. Veda Vyasa saw the future in his foresight and felt that the people of the future, will not be intelligent enough to grasp the Vedas and hence to simplify it, he divided it into four. And these he gave it to four other Rishis to propagate it through Guru-Shishya parampara.
1. Rig Veda – Paila Maharishi
2. Yajur Veda – Vysampayana Maharishi.
3. Sama Veda – Jaimini Maharishi.
4. Atharva Veda – Sumanthu Maharishi.
As mentioned earlier, Vedas are a collection of all knowledge, from thousands of years, given by many Rishis and they are the practical experiences of these people.
“Where did we the mankind come from, why and for what are we born, for what are we living, and where is our end”. The answers for all these questions have been given by these seers. One more important question apart from these is the question as to “how we are living” The answers for all these can be found in the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Bhagavat Gita and many other scriptures.
“How we live our lives is very important”, It is quite natural for everyone to experience, both happiness and misery in one’s life. But, we find that a lot of people are complaining that there is only more misery in life. It is very important to see, as to how we accept the happiness and miseries that come in our life. Is there no other way out of this cycle of happiness and misery? As long as we keep running behind happiness, the opposite of happiness which is the misery, will also keep following us.
That is why our ‘Sanaathana Dharma’ scriptures, tells us to go in search of ‘Aanandha’.
Anandho brahme divya jaanaath. Aanandhadye vakal vimaani bhoothani jayanthe. Aanandhena jathani jeevanthi. Aanandham priyanthyabhishamvishanthithi….. so says the Vedas.
आनन्दो ब्रह्मे दिव्य जानात्, आनन्दाद्ये वकल् विमानि भूतनि
जायन्ते, आनन्देन जतानि जीवन्ति. आनन्दम् प्रियन्त्यभिसम्विषन्तीति
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