It is a general misconception that knowledge of Science is the source of everything. Science after a particular saturation point it comes to a full stop.
‘Philosophy begins where Science ends’. This has been accepted even by the most famous scientists. Even the westerners who have unshakable faith in Science are now resorting to ‘Yoga’ and ‘Meditation’ in full faith. After learning these from us Indians, they have adopted to it so well, that they are now teaching to the rest of the world. ‘Yoga’ and ‘Meditation’ are the techniques which have been given to us by our great Maharishis of the ancient ‘Vedic times’. But it is a sorry state that we Indians are running to the Westerners for learning ‘Yoga’ and ‘Meditation’. And the best part is that the westerners are also trying to patent this. It is only now, the Government of India has woken up to this sorry state of affairs and trying to patent.
In USA alone there are more than a million people practicing ‘Yoga’. There are hundreds of Yoga teaching centres world wide and it has become a Multi-billion dollar industry.
It was Pathanjali Maharishi who gave us this ‘Yoga’ and ‘Meditation’ in the form of ‘Pathajali Yoga Sutra’. In Pathanjali Yoga Sutra, what he has given is ‘Ashtaanga Yoga’. In Sanskrit ‘ashta’ means eight. So ‘Ashtaanga Yoga' means eight divisions. ‘Aasana’ which is the physical exercise is just one among that eight divisions. Nowadays, what is taught as ‘Yoga’ world over is only ‘Aasana’ from ‘Ashtaanga Yoga’. People are running towards this, only because of the benefits it offers. And that is why it has become a multi-billion dollar industry. If learning ‘Aasana’, which is only one eighth of the ‘Ashtaanga Yoga’ itself is so beneficial, then we can imagine the amount of benefit we can get, if we start preaticing all that is said in ‘Ashtaanga yoga’ one by one. The aim of this article is to bring out the secrets of this ‘Astaanga Yoga’.
For the benefit of mankind, our ancient Maharishis of the vedic age, have spent their entire life time, in finding out these techniques and carefully passing it on from generation to generation, from the past thousands of years. These Maharishis were seers of the ‘Ultimate Truth’ and known as ‘Trikaala Gnaanis’ (who could see the past, present and the future).
Should we not have the inquisitiveness to explore these secrets? One by one of these are being slowly proved by Science. The aim of this article is to highlight these facts.
If we have to fullly understand what is ‘Anandha’, ‘Yoga’ and ‘Meditation’, then we should first understand ‘Sanaathana Dharma’ which nowdays is known as ‘Hinduism’. Then we have to understand where exactly these things are expained in detail in ‘Sanaathana Dharma’.
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